365-Day Project, Art, Mystery, Nature, Photography, Uncategorized

Day 97 – Why Not?

Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not. – Pablo Picasso

Patterns are everywhere, especially in nature. Take a close look at any leaf, or the markings of a cat, the ripples in the water … they are simply all around us. My mind’s eye is always on the lookout for these natural works of art. And sometimes not so natural, but intended.

Today’s mystery “what is it?!?” picture contains a pattern that captured my attention. In turn, I captured that vision for you to now guess. Can you tell? Do you know?

What Is It?!?


What Was That?!? Yesterday’s Picture (Day 96)

Yesterday’s picture was truly a “why not” spur-of-the-moment photograph. The subject in question just happened to be right there where I was working on my painting. Although there were guesses, nobody figured out the mystery identity. It looked like a loofah, sponge, pollen, and a cheesecloth; however, it’s really part of a foam brush paint roller. I liked how the image looks like it’s smiling. 🙂


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