365-Day Project, Art, Creativity, Mystery, Photography

Day 358/365 – What Would Santa Guess?

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. – Charles Dickens

Today’s mystery “what is it?!?” picture was a suggestion from my father-in-law. Although not quite so pretty as some other past subjects, it does make a good mystery picture, which is now ready for your guessing pleasure. Can you tell? Do you know?

What Is It?!?


What Was That?!? Yesterday’s Picture (Day 357)

The C-Sweet guessed it immediately, “peacock feather?” Ding ding ding! Jude agreed, “Definitely a peacock feather – what stunning colours!” Even Cee knew what it was, “I would have said peacock feather too. I adore them.” Me, too! So three ding ding dings! 😀

Yes, what you saw was indeed a peacock feather, I just love them!


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