365-Day Project, Art, Blogging, Creativity, Mystery, Nature, Photography, Uncategorized

Day 94 – Mystery Muse to the Rescue

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi

It’s so hard to believe that 94 days have already passed this year, that I’ve managed to come up with 94 funky images, that this ritual of blogging has become just that: a daily ritual. I look forward to posting, even when I don’t feel that great (like today, the gloomy weather and pressure have given me a throbbing headache), even when I have no idea what item will be my subject for the day (like today). I’m calling my muse, “help me, help me!” That dirty rascal has escaped once again, but maybe my muse will make a surprise visit at some point. Pretty please? Honestly, I’m typing this post with no picture! Oh no! (It’s 1:37 p.m. right now, I’m on another conference call. Another one!)

Yay! My muse came back. It’s now close to 4:00 and I have my mystery “what is it?!?” picture ready for you to guess. This one might be easy, but I love the picture! I had a difficult time picking which picture to post. So do you know? Can you tell?

What Is It?!?


What Was That?!? Yesterday’s Picture (Day 93)

As I mentioned yesterday, the picture I posted was not originally intended as a mystery “what is it?!?” picture; it’s actually one of my favorite images I’ve posted so far. Although it wasn’t guessed right away, Dan finally guessed on Facebook, and Gail guessed here on the blog. But first, the guesses: is it mold from something in my fridge? No! Hair on a chia pet? No, but I can certainly see that. The middle of some flower? Technically, it’s not the middle. X-ray? Nope. Blades of grass? Not that either (but that’s what it looks like to me). Bristles from a hair brush? No. Lily flower? Not a lily, but …

… it is a flower. But not just any flower!


What you saw was part of a bottlebrush bush flower (Callistemon), which is a vibrant red. Here’s the original view of that image.


11 thoughts on “Day 94 – Mystery Muse to the Rescue”

  1. Originally, it looked like glass that was cracked, but then staring at it further…it reminds me of a mat, like one you see at school gyms….


  2. Alfa sprouts would have been the closest I would have gotten with yesterday’s pic. We don’t get those around here. I have seen before….been a long time though. =)


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